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Master Keying

Master Keying

EZCURRA has developed a masterkeying system that provides Comfort, Performance and Security.
Convenient: one single key or set of keys opens several locks and cylinders.
Efficient: High number of master keying combinations and models, Master and Grand Master.
Secure: high degree of Precision, and each master key is coded.

With its Master Keying system, Ezcurra offers a wide variety of combinations, while always maintaining each lock’s own locking autonomy. Nowadays housing, condominiums, offices, hospitals and companies of any size enjoy the quality and security of EZCURRA’s master keying system.


To learn more about this product, visit catálogo Cilindros Serie K vueltas.

We only manufacture in Spain


CE EN12209 Standards

Certification of CE standards EN12209 (Single-Point)

PrEN15685 Standars

Certification of PrEN15685 (Multi-Point)

ISO 9001 Quality

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certification

Ezcurra Anti-breakage System

Ezcurra Anti-breakage System and Own Coating System